Discipline Specific Courses

A Paddlesport Leader looking after their group

Paddlesport Touring Leader

    The New Paddlesport Touring Leader Do you want to lead paddlers on their next adventure? Are you a paddler or do you have experience of paddling? Do you want to support your club leading mixed craft? If so, the Paddlesport Touring Leader Award could be for you! WHY BECOME A PADDLESPORT TOURING LEADER?…
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Stand Up Paddleboard Coastal Leader

The New Stand Up Paddleboard Coastal Leader Become a Stand Up Paddleboard Coastal Leader! Looking to lead paddleboarders? Do you want to lead a group of paddleboarders in moderate coastal waters? Are you a paddleboarder or do you have experience paddling in moderate conditions? Do you want to support your club, centre or organisation? If…
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Stand Up Paddleboard Inland Open Water Leader

The New Stand Up Paddleboard Inland Open Water Leader Become a SUP Inland Open Water Leader! Do you want to lead a group of paddleboarders in moderate inland open waters? Are you a paddleboarder or do you have experience paddling in moderate conditions? Do you want to support your club, centre or organisation? If so,…
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White Water Kayak Leader

White Water Leader

Become a White Water Leader! Looking to lead journeys on white water? Are you a white water paddler or do you have experience paddling in grade 2(3) white water rivers? Do you want to support your club? If so, the White Water Leader could be for you! Why become a White Water Leader? First of…
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White Water Canoe Coach

Canoe White Water Leader

Become a Canoe White Water Leader! Do you want to lead a group of canoeists on white water rivers? Are you a canoeist or do you have experience paddling in moderate conditions? Do you want to support your club? If so, the Canoe White Water Leader could be for you! Why become a Canoe White…
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Open Canoeist Leading Other Canoeists

Canoe Open Water Leader

Become a Canoe Open Water Leader! Do you want to lead a group of canoeists in open water? Are you a canoeist or do you have experience canoeing in moderate conditions? Do you want to support your club? If so, the Canoe Open Water Leader could be for you! Why become a Leader? First of all,…
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Surf Kayak Leader

Surf Kayak Leader

Become a Surf Kayak Leader! Do you want to lead a group of surf paddlers in moderate surf? Are you a surf kayaker or do you have experience paddling in a surf environment? Do you want to support your club? If so, the Surf Kayak Leader could be for you! Why become a Surf Kayak…
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Sea kayaker Leader (non tidal)

Sea Kayak Leader (non-tidal)

Become a Sea Kayak Leader (non-tidal)! Do you want to lead a group of kayakers in moderate non-tidal water? Are you a sea kayaker or do you have experience paddling on the sea or open water? Do you want to support your club? If so, the Sea Kayak Leader (non-tidal) Award could be for you!…
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Sea Kayak Leader (tidal)

Sea Kayak Leader (tidal)

Become a Sea Kayak Leader (tidal)! Do you want to lead a group of sea kayakers in moderate tidal water? Are you a sea kayaker or do you have experience paddling on the sea? Do you want to support your club? If so, the Sea Kayak Leader (tidal) Award could be for you! Why become…
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Stadium Raft Guide

Stadium Raft Guide

Become a Stadium Raft Guide Looking to lead on artificial, white water courses? Do you want to take groups of people from all walks of life white water rafting? Do you have experience of white water rafting on man made artificial sites? Are you looking to support your club or centre? If so, the Stadium…
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Advanced Sea Kayak Leader (non-tidal)

Advanced Sea Kayak Leader (non-tidal)

Become a Advanced Sea Kayak Leader (non-tidal)! Do you want to lead a group of sea/ touring kayakers in advanced non-tidal water? Are you a sea kayaker or do you have experience paddling on the sea? Do you want to support your club? If so, the Advanced Sea Kayak Leader (non-tidal) Award could be for…
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Advanced Sea Kayak Leader

Advanced Sea Kayak Leader (tidal)

Become an Advanced Sea Kayak Leader (tidal)! Do you want to lead a group of sea kayakers in advanced tidal water? Are you a sea kayaker or do you have experience paddling on the sea? Do you want to support your club? If so, the Advanced Sea Kayak Leader (tidal) Award could be for you!…
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Raft Trip Leader Provider (Grade 4)

Raft Trip Leader (Grade 4)

Looking to lead a flotilla of rafts on natural rivers? Do you want to take groups of people from all walks of life white water rafting? Do you have experience of guiding on grade 4? Are you looking to support your club or centre? If so, the Raft Trip Leader (Grade 4) could be for…
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A Rafting Trip Leader negotiating the rapids with their crew

Raft Trip Leader (Grade 3)

Looking to lead a flotilla of rafts on natural rivers? Do you want to take groups of people from all walks of life white water rafting? Do you have experience of guiding on grade 3? Are you looking to support your club or centre? If so, the Raft Trip Leader (Grade 3) could be for…
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Level 5 Raft Guide

Raft Guide (Grade 4)

Looking to lead groups of people white water rafting on natural rivers? Do you want to take groups of people from all walks of life rafting? Do you have experience of white water rafting? Are you looking to support your club or centre? If so, the Raft Guide (Grade 4) could be for you! Why…
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Stadium White Water Leader

Become a Stadium White Water Leader! Do you want to lead a group of paddlers on a white water course? Are you a white water kayaker or do you have experience paddling at white water Stadiums? Do you want to support your club, centre or organisation? If so, the Stadium White Water Leader could be…
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River Raft Guide

Raft Guide (Grade 3)

Looking to lead groups of people white water rafting on natural rivers? Do you want to take groups of people from all walks of life rafting? Do you have experience of white water rafting? Are you looking to support your club or centre? If so, the Raft Guide (Grade 3) could be for you! Why…
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A raft Guide and Crew paddling fast on flat water

Raft Guide (Grade 2)

Looking to lead groups of people white water rafting on natural rivers? Do you want to take groups of people from all walks of life rafting? Do you have experience of white water rafting? Are you looking to support your club or centre? If so, the Raft Guide (Grade 2) could be for you! Why…
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Advanced WW Kayak Leader

Advanced White Water Leader

Become an Advanced White Water Leader! Looking to lead journeys on advanced white water? Are you a white water paddler or do you have experience paddling in grade 4 white water rivers? Do you want to support your club? If so, the Advanced White Water Leader could be for you! Why become an Advanced White…
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Advanced Canoe Leader

Advanced Canoe Open Water Leader

Become an Advanced Canoe Open Water Leader! Do you want to lead a group of canoeists on advanced open water? Are you a canoeist or do you have experience paddling in advanced environments? Do you want to support your club? If so, the Advanced Canoe Open Water Leader Award could be for you! Why become…
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White Water Canoe Coach Advanced Water

Advanced Canoe White Water Leader

Become an Advanced Canoe White Water Leader! Do you want to lead a group of canoeists on grade 3(4) white water? Are you a canoeist or do you have experience paddling in advanced rivers? Do you want to support your club? If so, the Advanced Canoe White Water Leader Award could be for you! Why…
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Advanced Surf Kayak Leader

Advanced Surf Kayak Leader

Become an Advanced Surf Kayak Leader! Do you want to lead a group of surf paddlers in advanced surf? Are you a surf kayaker or do you have experience paddling in a surf environment? Do you want to support your club? If so, the Advanced Surf Kayak Leader Award could be for you! Why become…
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Sup Sheltered Water Award

Stand Up Paddleboard Sheltered Water Award

Your Stand Up Paddleboard Sheltered Water Award will give you an understanding of how to plan and paddle an enjoyable and safe trip on a Stand Up Paddleboard. You will be able to journey in water that is no more than 200 metres from the shore and up to force 3 winds. In order to have…
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Stadium White Water Award

Stadium White Water Award

Your Stadium White Water Award will give you the skills needed for a safe and fun day out white water paddling. This paddling will take place at a White Water Stadium. You will learn how to use the environmental factors to identify where and when to paddle. This includes the difficulty of the course, what…
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Advance White Water Award

Advanced White Water Award

Your Advanced White Water Award will further advance your skills to enable you to have a safe and fun day out paddling on grade 4-5 water. This award will further develop your decision-making skills. You will consider all the environmental factors to allow you to choose a suitable place to paddle. This will include the…
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Progressive White Water Award

Progressive White Water Award

Your Progressive White Water Award progresses your ability in decision-making and paddling skills and enables you to have a safe and fun day out on grade 3-4 rivers. This award will further progress your ability to gather all the information you need about the water you are paddling on so that you can make the…
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Develop your skills for a paddlesport career

White Water Award

Your White Water Award will give you the skills needed for a safe and fun day out white water paddling. This will be on rivers up to grade 2. You will learn how to use the environmental factors to identify where and when to paddle. This includes the water grade, the weather, other paddlers and…
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Advanced Canoe Award

Advanced Canoe Award

Your Advanced Canoe Award will enhance your canoe skills and your ability to make appropriate decisions for safe days out canoeing in advanced conditions. As with all of the Personal Performance Awards, your award will be tailored around you and what you wish to achieve. You will work alongside your Coach to build on your…
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Progressive Canoe Award

Progressive Canoe Award

Your Progressive Canoe Award is designed to progress your judgement, decision making and your understanding of journeying. you work with your coach to tailor your progression and as a result you will be more confident to plan and undertake canoe journeys regardless of where you paddle. Where can you use it? Working with your Coach…
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Canoe Award

Canoe Award

Your Canoe Award endorses your skill, judgement and decision making when journeying in a Canoe. It is tailored to each paddler and will give you the ability to plan and undertake safe journeys. This award empowers you to make key decisions at the right time. You will learn to judge how environmental factors, the location…
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