5 minutes with… Darryll Shaw

Quality training from the world's largest paddling course provider

Meet the team. Darryll Shaw is Interim Head of Membership and Partnerships at Paddle UK, supporting Paddles Up Training, the Delivery Partner Scheme and all things membership. We hear from Darryll in our new feature ‘5 minutes with…’.

  1. How did you start your career in paddlesports?

    image of darryll shaw

My first experience of paddlesports was at an army cadet camp, when I was 11 (I think) there was snow on the ground. We were asked to swim out to the instructor and duck dive under his kayak and then !!! went kayaking for a couple of hours – not sure why I continued!

  1. What do you love most about your role?

Every day is different and every day is about people achieving their goals and ambitions – nothing more rewarding!

  1. What’s been your most memorable moment in your paddlesport career?

That’s a tough one. There are quite a few I would like to mention… My daughter was so excited after meeting Joe Clarke and Mallory Franklin for the first time and wanting her 1* and their signed photos on her bedroom wall.

  1. What are you most proud of in your career?

Keeping paddlers at the heart of what we do.

  1. Do you have any current projects that you would like to tell us about?

I am currently working with our membership team for 11 months looking at membership services and member retention. I think the rebrand to Paddle UK is really exciting and brings with it opportunities to be more transparent with our members, develop deeper connections with members and why they choose to be members of Paddle UK.

  • Canoe, kayak or SUP: Canoe
  • Favourite season: Autumn
  • Top 3 items for a day out on the water: Knife (for cheese and cured meats), multi-tool (for the bottle opener) and aeropress (for the coffee) 
  • Favourite film: Empire Strikes Back
  • Favourite food: Chicken Wings
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