British Canoeing Awarding Body launches the NEW Surf Kayak Safety and Rescue Course

Quality training from the world's largest paddling course provider

The NEW Surf Kayak Safety and Rescue course aims to provide paddlers with the key safety and rescue skills required to operate safely in a moderate surf environment. The Surf Kayak Safety and Rescue course will replace the Advanced Surf Kayak Safety and Rescue programme and is a 6 and a half hour programme that consists of 7 modules. The modules can be delivered in a day or modular over a maximum of an eight-week period that suits the participants. Modules include beach management, safety frameworks, self-rescues, deep water rescues and more.

‘The changes to the Surf Kayak Safety and Rescue award provide opportunities for those paddling in moderate surf environments, either frequently or occasionally to access the appropriate training and skills. British Canoeing Awarding Body hope that the revised provider requirements will attract club and recreational paddlers that are already leading in the surf zone to become deliverers and raise the awareness of staying safe in the surf zone’  – Lee Pooley Director of Coaching & Qualifications.

Participants need to either hold the British Canoeing Awarding Body Surf Kayak Award or equivalent ability in or on their preferred craft, this is due to the paddling environment and the boat/ski/board control required to participate fully in the course. The Surf Kayak Safety and Rescue course is available for all ages. Tutors should check the participants’ suitability, as well as checking you have the appropriate mechanisms for anyone under 18.

Visit your Delivery Centre website to book your upcoming course today –

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