The Performance Coach Goes Global

Quality training from the world's largest paddling course provider

In March 2022, the first BCAB Performance Coach Community of Learning Event outside of the UK took place in Stonington Connecticut, USA with 14 candidates and 3 facilitators. The weekend was intense but enjoyable, with multiple learning opportunities for candidates and facilitators alike.

The Community of Learning events provide opportunities to explore ‘Performance Coaching’ and how this relates to ‘Who’, ‘What’ and ‘How’ you coach. Candidates identified a range of ‘hot topics’ ahead of the event to explore and discussions included Creating Optimal Learning Environments, Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Reflection and Theory Informing Practice, Goal Setting, and Structure of Practice. Additionally, looking beyond the weekend, the overall goal of creating an enduring community of learning was planned and instigated.

Candidates said:

Amazing Community! Fantastic Event! Honoured to be there.

I certainly have a lot to digest and ultimately put into practice.

The weekend was excellent. Clearly, there was a lot of work that went into the weekend – all of my hot topics were well covered, I’m sure that everyone else feels the same way. Thank you for all the hard work.

Thanks for making this such a collaborative and fun experience.

Many thanks for shedding light, clarity and a bit of levity on these sometimes complex and perplexing concepts. I really appreciated the variety of presentation styles and the focus on us as a community. The peer-to-peer interaction was enlightening, fun and inspiring; thank you all for sharing!

The candidate’s enthusiasm and willingness to continue developing and to share their knowledge and experience, should prove to be a great foundation to anchor the next stages of everyone’s journey.

Join a Community of Learning Event

The Community of Learning Events are part of the Performance Coach learning journey, but can also be attended by any coach interested in developing their learning.

You will share these events with other highly motivated, skilled and experienced coaches from a range of disciplines, having powerful opportunities to explore, develop and refine your thinking about your coaching practices, knowledge and understandings. The support and challenge your peers and the Facilitators bring to these events should feed your curiosity; stimulating you to explore and stretch new ideas in your coaching whilst also helping you to refine your existing practices.

Find out more about the Performance Coach Learning journey and upcoming Community of Learning events here.



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