Accreditation of Prior Learning

Quality training from the world's largest paddling course provider

An application for Accreditation of Prior Learning can:

  • Consider other nationally and internationally recognised professional awards.
  • Recognise training and assessment schemes other than British Canoeing Awarding Body’s

Allowing you to access your development pathway at the most appropriate point to you.

You can submit an application using your membership portal. We recommend you read the APL Guide prior to submission, this gives an overview of APL, as well as a step by step guide to your submission.

Or you can contact your National Association:

Your application form must provide clear description of what you want to achieve and how you have met those learnings in your other development.


Your APL application will be reviewed on an individual basis and decisions made based on the evidence supplied. You will be notified in writing of the result.

Where your application shows sufficient evidence, APL will be awarded. The APL process does not award certificates.

Non-Members Accreditation of Prior Learning Application

If you have not joined a National Association yet, you can still apply.You can set up a digital sign up membership(free) and complete the same process.

There is an fee of £25 for non-members which is payable on submission of the application form. This fee is non refundable for unsuccessful applications.

Appeals Procedure

You are able to appeal the decision following the submission of an application.

Your can read more about Accreditation of Prior Learning here: Policies


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