Choosing a Coach Developer

Quality training from the world's largest paddling course provider

Choosing a Coach Developer is an important decision, whilst this article is aimed at learners working towards a Performance Coach Qualification the advice is applicable to us all

What is a Coach Developer?

Coach Developers can have a variety of roles and support your development in many ways. Observing your practice, giving feedback, stimulating discussion or supporting your technical understanding are just a few of the roles they could play.

Coach Developers are usually subject experts who can support and challenge you to embrace long-term learning and development.

How do I find a Coach Developer?

As part of your Performance Coach journey you will select a mentor to support you through the 3 mentor sessions. Your mentor will be well connected in the paddlesport community and will likely be a good source of possible Coach Developer contacts.

Your National Association can also help and we have various finder tools on our website that help you find qualified Coaches, Guides, Mentors and Providers.

Use your existing network, coaches you know from your club, organisation or from other sports or settings.

Social media – for example you could update your linkedin profile to state you are undertaking the British Canoeing Awarding Body Performance Coach Qualification and you are looking for coaches to work with.

We would encourage you to consider your Coach Developer carefully. Although they may be subject experts, they may not have supported a coach through the Performance Coach programme before. British Canoeing Awarding Body has produced a free eLearning course to support Coach Developers, to help them understand their role.

As part of your Performance Coach journey you will be required to complete at least two ‘touch points’ with a Coach Developer prior to assessment, although you can choose to arrange as many of these as you wish.

Sea Kayak Performance Coach Award
Slalom Performance Coach Award
SUP Sheltered Water Performance Coach

What is a Coach Developer Touch Point?

A touch point will typically take place during a normal coaching session with your learners. You may choose to meet your Coach Developer before the session and spend time with them after, exploring how the session went, how you progressed against your objective for the session. These sessions could take place remotely (web meeting) if, for example, you discuss the tactical aspects of your coaching with learners.

Initial DiscussionCommunity Learning Event(min 12 hours)Mentoring andCoach DeveloperEpisodesAssessmentTypically 1 day
Initial DiscussionCommunity Learning Event(min 12 hours)Mentoring andCoach DeveloperEpisodesAssessmentTypically 1 day

Do I need to pay them?

You will fund these Coach Developer interactions in agreement with them; they are not included within the Registration Fee. We recommend you clarify this up front before any interactions take place.

Open Water (Advanced Water) Performance Coach Award
White Water Canoe Performance Coach Award
Sheltered Water Performance Coach

Can my Coach Develop also be my Mentor?

This is entirely up to you to decide. There will be benefits in separating the two roles:

  • To get a variety of input and experience.
  • Keep a clearer distinction between the two roles.

But there are benefits to combining such as:

  • Joined up conversation based on observations of you coaching.
  • More time with the same person.

Tell me more about the Performance Coach?

Becoming a Performance Coach can have a huge impact on your professional and personal life.

You can find out more here in our article: Start your journey towards the NEW Performance Coach

Our on the course pages here: Performance Coach

Or read the course guide here: Performance Coach Course Guide


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