NEW Stadium Personal Performance Awards

Quality training from the world's largest paddling course provider

Paddle UK Awarding Body has announced that we are introducing two new Personal Performance Awards, for those looking to develop their personal skills on man-made, artificial white water courses.

The NEW Stadium White Water Award and Progressive Stadium White Water Award are designed to develop your ability to apply appropriate decision making skills for a safe day out white water paddling on a man-made, white water venue.

Read the Stadium Personal Performance Awards course content on the BCAB website here to find out more.

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Become a Provider

If you’re interested in becoming a Provider of the NEW Stadium Awards, you will need to complete the Personal Performance Awards Provider eLearning.

The eLearning provides 10 CPD points and access to a range of logos to use for your marketing and promotion.

Aspirant Providers will be one of the following to deliver the new Stadium PPAs.

  • Stadium White Water Leader
  • Stadium White Water Leader Provider

Any Coach or Leader who holds the following qualifications can work towards becoming a Provider:

  • White Water Kayak Coach
  • Freestyle Coach
  • White Water Kayak Leader
  • White Water Leader
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