There are a range of resources that aspirant and existing Leaders can access to support your development journey from the comfort of your sofa.
Informal learning, experience based learning, and an availability of individualised choices are important to developing skilled leaders. Whether you’ve been leading trips for many years or are looking to complete your assessment in the future, these resources provide considerations, top tips and development opportunities that you can explore and put into practice on the water.
- The Leader and Raft Guide Self-Analysis tool aids you in identifying specific areas of development for consideration. You can plan your own unique learning journey based on your responses.
- If you’re planning trips for the future, the Leading in Unfamiliar Environments eLearning will provide top tips and considerations, whether you’re driving 20 miles down the road to a new location or planning an overseas expedition.
- Whilst you’re considering your trips for the future, the Journey Planning Sheet can be used to plan as well as evaluate your journey. This provides key information that’s important to remember ahead of your trip.
- A digital logbook is available to download so you can record your experience, forming a diary to capture and reflect. Great for aspirant Leaders to support your progress towards assessment or for existing Leaders to use as a development record.
- The interactive Leadership eLearning takes you through some of the key principles behind the British Canoeing Awarding Body Model of Leadership. This aims to support your decision making when you’re out on the water.
Explore more resources in the Digital Library to support your development or explore the Leadership awards.