Structured Paddling Activity in England

Quality training from the world's largest paddling course provider

Structured Paddling Activity in England – Updated 29th March 2021

Covid secure structured and organised outdoor activity can be delivered by Coaches, Leaders, Course Providers and Delivery Partners – for an unlimited number of participants, provided that appropriate steps are taken to make it Covid secure.

Organised and structured activity must be formally organised by a qualified instructor or coach, provider, NGB, club, company or charity and follow Paddle UK guidance.

Where paddling is not formally organised (i.e. not adhering to the guidance), it can only take place within the rules on social contact above – in groups of up to 6 people, or two households

Course providers, partners, coaches and leaders may find this Paddle UK Guidance useful when providing structured paddling activity in England.


For providers wanting to/running courses outside of England, please refer to the guidance of the country where the course will be based as well as considering the guidance of countries learners may be traveling to/from.


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