Surf Kayak Coach Tutor

What the Role Entails

20 CPD Points

As a Surf Kayak Coach Tutor, you will be progressing Coach Award candidates on their journey to assessment, developing the skills they need to coach surf kayaking.

You shall be working alongside the candidates to help them put in to practice what they learnt on the Core Coach training. You shall demonstrate what this will look like in a surf environment.

How do I become a Surf Kayak Coach Tutor?

Coaching qualifications are a managed role, this means that applications are only taken when a needs analysis shows an area or discipline needs more Tutors.

At Paddles Up Training we look to recruit new Tutors once a year, usually in the Spring.

When applications open you will have around 4 weeks to submit your application. You will be required to provide referees so please make sure you think carefully about who these should be. If you are successful then you will complete the following steps:


You will be asked to book on to an orientation event. To get the most out of the event please ensure that you complete any pre-reading sent to you. On the event you will explore the syllabus and what is expected of you as a Surf Kayak Coach Tutor. This will help you identify if any extra learning is required for your action plan.

Aspirant Status

After orientation you shall then hold Aspirant Tutor status. This will give you the ability to second staff and support courses. During this time, you shall work with and learn from, full tutors of the awards. Once you feel confident enough to run a course on your own you will need to be signed off by a current Surf Kayak Coach Tutor.


This takes place during a normal course; however, you take the lead of the course and manage the other staff, organisation, and course administration. The Tutor plays an active role but you lead the course.

Assuming you have met the criteria required, they will make a recommendation to us and we will add the role to your record if your action plan is complete.

Maintaining Your Role

On becoming a Surf Kayak Coach Tutor, you will be required to follow and agree to the Provider Service Agreement. This includes following the Update Scheme.

Other parts of the agreement will be checked by visits from Internal Verification Officers and through administration checks. You will also be expected to attend a moderation event every 3 years; this is to keep you up-to-date with, and to share best practice with, other Surf Kayak Coach Tutors. You will also be expected to run a minimum of 1 course every 3 years to keep your role up-to-date.

Want to know more?

Read more about the Surf Kayak Coach here.

Minimum Requirements

If you wish to become a Surf Kayak Coach Tutor then you must hold a suitable British Canoeing Awarding Body Coaching qualification for the surf environment examples of which are:

  • Level 3 Coach
  • Performance Coach
  • BCU Level 3 Coach or above
  • AWE or MWE Coach

We also celebrate the experience you might have gained from other sports or settings

You will also be expected to hold or be willing to take a Tutoring Award. An example of suitable awards can be found below:

  • Qualified Teacher Status
  • Level 3 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
  • Sports Education in Tutoring
  • Level 3 Award in Delivering Learning
  • Level 3 Award in Education and Training

We also accept applications for Accreditation of Prior Learning where you do not hold a qualification but have demonstrable experience and expertise.

Personal Performance Award Provider

Applicants need to be able to demonstrate a broad understanding of paddlesport and our educational philosophy, a great way of doing this is by being a Personal Performance Award Provider and having experience of running awards in a variety of surf environments with a range of different learners

Look at the Provider Requirements for more information

Further Instructions

Application Process

Applications open in April each year, an Apply now button will appear on all open roles. please read the instructions on the application for application deadlines and off line options.

Orientations schedule is set and you are required to attend the full orientation (all webinars and face to face days) See the schedule here: Coach Award Tutor Schedule , (Note: The orientation fee covers all Coach Award roles applied for and Is not per role)

Development options

The following suggestions are activities that you can undertake at any point in the development process. However, if considered before or concurrently with the application/ orientation, your application/ orientation outcomes are likely to be better.

Understanding the pathway to becoming a provider

  • Decide – do I want to be signed off at orientation or have a development plan and need a final assessed delivery?
  • Mentor – who can help me? Who has recently become a provider who understands the journey?
  • Read – The ‘Provider Requirements’ and the ‘Provider Development pathway’ and ensure you understand the process and standards.

Planning and organising a course

  • Read - the most up to date Syllabus and Training notes, comparing them to when you undertook your training. What is different? What has changed?
  • Observe – do you have access to local providers you can go and watch? Can you see more than one provider run a course? How do courses change when they are run in different places?
  • Watch – any related videos on the British Canoeing Awarding Body Youtube channel?

What makes a good venue?

  • Consider – where will you run your courses, how will you ensure you have all of the equipment to run a course? How will your courses be different depending on different candidates? Time of year? Temperature? How do we ensure we have the right kit to remain productive during a long cold day on/ in the water?
  • Consider – where do you learn best? What locations have worked well in your experience? What locations have not worked and why?

Developing my personal skills and understanding

  • Get involved – do I have access to groups that would enjoy learning different rescue techniques? Can I co deliver any courses?
  • Get some personal coaching – who can help you develop your skills? Could you do a PPA or a discipline specific training etc. to develop your understanding? Who do you know who would be willing to come out and practice with you?

Understanding National Association Policies and Procedures

  • Read – the policies and procedure that effect your course.
  • Discuss – different scenarios with your mentor or a National Association Trainer.
  • Watch – how to videos for subjects like course authorisation and certification.
20 CPD Points
What the Role Entails

As a Surf Kayak Coach Tutor, you will be progressing Coach Award candidates on their journey to assessment, developing the skills they need to coach surf kayaking.

You shall be working alongside the candidates to help them put in to practice what they learnt on the Core Coach training. You shall demonstrate what this will look like in a surf environment.

How do I become a Surf Kayak Coach Tutor?

Coaching qualifications are a managed role, this means that applications are only taken when a needs analysis shows an area or discipline needs more Tutors.

At Paddles Up Training we look to recruit new Tutors once a year, usually in the Spring.

When applications open you will have around 4 weeks to submit your application. You will be required to provide referees so please make sure you think carefully about who these should be. If you are successful then you will complete the following steps:


You will be asked to book on to an orientation event. To get the most out of the event please ensure that you complete any pre-reading sent to you. On the event you will explore the syllabus and what is expected of you as a Surf Kayak Coach Tutor. This will help you identify if any extra learning is required for your action plan.

Aspirant Status

After orientation you shall then hold Aspirant Tutor status. This will give you the ability to second staff and support courses. During this time, you shall work with and learn from, full tutors of the awards. Once you feel confident enough to run a course on your own you will need to be signed off by a current Surf Kayak Coach Tutor.


This takes place during a normal course; however, you take the lead of the course and manage the other staff, organisation, and course administration. The Tutor plays an active role but you lead the course.

Assuming you have met the criteria required, they will make a recommendation to us and we will add the role to your record if your action plan is complete.

Maintaining Your Role

On becoming a Surf Kayak Coach Tutor, you will be required to follow and agree to the Provider Service Agreement. This includes following the Update Scheme.

Other parts of the agreement will be checked by visits from Internal Verification Officers and through administration checks. You will also be expected to attend a moderation event every 3 years; this is to keep you up-to-date with, and to share best practice with, other Surf Kayak Coach Tutors. You will also be expected to run a minimum of 1 course every 3 years to keep your role up-to-date.

Want to know more?

Read more about the Surf Kayak Coach here.


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