British Canoeing Awarding Body and the National Associations are committed to helping everyone in paddlesport accept their responsibility to safeguard children and adults at risk from harm and abuse. As well as ensure appropriate training and education for coaches, leaders and deployers.
It is essential that everyone has at least a basic understanding of what behaviour is appropriate, how to identify a safeguarding concern and be confident about how to respond, as well as being clear about how to access support.
As part of our continual work we are providing an online resource to refresh your existing safeguarding knowledge in a convenient and interactive way. It comprises of two elements. A core training module which revisits and consolidates your previous safeguarding training. As well as an additional social media awareness module.
The eLearning safeguarding refresher training is applicable to Coaches, Leaders, Club Welfare Officers and all others who have a role working with children or adults at risk, who are required to maintain the currency of their safeguarding training every 3 years.
Please note that the safeguarding refresher course does not meet the requirements of initial safeguarding training. Please refer to Paddle UK’s safeguarding training requirements guidance document G21 for further details.
This eLearning is available to purchase at a cost of £10. Once completed, your record will be updated. Please click here to complete the NEW Safeguarding Refresher training.
Do I need to complete safeguarding training?
Following previous announcements, from the 30th September we will be introducing changes to our safeguarding requirements for both coaches and leaders.
- Coaches and leaders will need to engage in appropriate safeguarding training as a prerequisite to assessment.
- Qualified leaders will need to engage in appropriate safeguarding training to keep their qualifications valid.
- Coaches and leaders will need to refresh their safeguarding training every three years. This will keep their qualifications valid and meet Update Scheme requirements.
We are aware that many coaches and leaders already engage in appropriate and approved safeguarding refresher training. We will continue to be recognised and recorded on an individual’s record.
If any coaches, leaders or deployers have any questions about the safeguarding changes, please contact us.