Guide Provider

What the Role Entails

20 CPD Points

Being a Guide Provider is a great way for you to support the development of Guides.

You can also get involved in the delivery of specific Guide Modules.

Skilled providers are critical to the development of the sport moving forward, you will play a key role in the development of Guides.

As a result you will get involved in and carryout some or all of the following:

As Guide Module Provider

  • To provide specific Guide Modules
  • Support course candidates to produce a development plan at the end of the course.
  • Act as an ambassador for British Canoeing Awarding Body Qualifications and Awards and their National Association.

As a  Guide Endorser (open to Guide Providers who deliver 4 or more Guide Modules)

  • supporting aspirant guides in their development
  • endorsing aspirant guides to full guide status

As a Guide Provider supporting aspirant tutors to:

  • Develop action plans to support their development.
  • Work as an additional member of staff (or observer)on training programmes.

As a Guide Provider you may also be ask to provide evidence of action plan completion or to endorse the skills of an aspirant tutor.

What to know more?

If you would like to know more about the Guide Modules you can look at the module course pages here:

If you would like to know more about the Guide Scheme you can read our article here: Become an Endorsed Guide or look at the British Canoeing Awarding Body Guide web page here.

You can also click through the tabs to find out the requirements to becoming an Guide Provider.


Minimum Requirements

Essential Requirements


  • British Canoeing Awarding Body Coaching or Leadership Qualification
  • meet National Association update requirements
  • Personal Performance Award Provider
  • Be a current British Canoeing Awarding Body Guide

Experience Detailed Knowledge and Understanding of the Syllabus, Extensive guiding experience:

  • With a wide range of relevant user groups (age, ability, aspirations);
  • Organising trips and Guided sessions with a range of individuals with a range of needs.

Desirable Requirements


  • Performance Coach
  • Nationally Recognised Tutoring Qualification
  • Coach or Leadership Award Provider


  • Ability identify strengths in individuals as well as areas for development.
  • Understands and is able to select suitable development mechanisms to provide support.
  • Planning of trips with complex logistics and organisational requirements over multiple days.

Further Instructions

The next intake for Guide Module Providers will be Spring 2024. At which time the application form and application form guidance will be available.

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20 CPD Points
What the Role Entails

Being a Guide Provider is a great way for you to support the development of Guides.

You can also get involved in the delivery of specific Guide Modules.

Skilled providers are critical to the development of the sport moving forward, you will play a key role in the development of Guides.

As a result you will get involved in and carryout some or all of the following:

As Guide Module Provider

  • To provide specific Guide Modules
  • Support course candidates to produce a development plan at the end of the course.
  • Act as an ambassador for British Canoeing Awarding Body Qualifications and Awards and their National Association.

As a  Guide Endorser (open to Guide Providers who deliver 4 or more Guide Modules)

  • supporting aspirant guides in their development
  • endorsing aspirant guides to full guide status

As a Guide Provider supporting aspirant tutors to:

  • Develop action plans to support their development.
  • Work as an additional member of staff (or observer)on training programmes.

As a Guide Provider you may also be ask to provide evidence of action plan completion or to endorse the skills of an aspirant tutor.

What to know more?

If you would like to know more about the Guide Modules you can look at the module course pages here:

If you would like to know more about the Guide Scheme you can read our article here: Become an Endorsed Guide or look at the British Canoeing Awarding Body Guide web page here.

You can also click through the tabs to find out the requirements to becoming an Guide Provider.



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